Get Comfortable With Not Being Perfect

Almost always, when you find yourself overreacting to a situation and repeatedly replaying it in your mind, pay attention to those signals. They are very clearly offering you insight into something that is probably holding you back in your life and business. For me, I've always been a perfectionist and somewhat prided myself on that but it wasn't until this past year, I realized that is actually a very heavy burden to carry and doesn't contribute to your success. In fact, perfectionism does just the opposite - it allows you to hide behind what's keeping you from being your best. When we strive to be perfect, we are actually trying to cover up feelings of inadequacy. In our effort to be perfect, we are not being honest and true to ourselves. We subconsciously fear any mistake will allow people to see into our lives and reveal we really aren't good enough or don't know what we're doing. We hold one image on our exterior but we don't believe in that image deep down and that is where the conflict lies. At the subconscious level, we spend our time, thoughts and energy trying to keep that conflict hidden so your real story is never acknowledged. When what we perceive to be the real story is threatened to be revealed, that is when we overact and our subconscious minds go into overtime to repair any damage and build that barrier even stronger. The key word here is "perceive" because the stories of lack and inadequacy we tell ourselves are not true, we just believe them to be true. We truly can do anything we put our minds to as long we believe in ourselves.


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When we understand the underlying meaning behind our need to be perfect and acknowledge those deeper feelings of inadequacy, then we can take action to change our mindset around those feelings and bring our conscious and subconscious beliefs about ourselves into alignment. Once these are in alignment, you'll feel a tremendous burden has been released and a new found source of energy that was before working so hard to keep something hidden can now be applied towards achieving your true success. You can authentically believe in yourself and let that shine through in all that you do.

Assignment: Pay attention to how you are reacting to problems or to the unexpected that comes up in your life and business. If you find you can't easily let go of something someone said to you or something that happened, really take the time to reflect on that. It is almost always a sign of an internal struggle that is probably sabotaging you and your business more than you know. You need to step back and acknowledge what you're feeling and then dig deeper to understand the source of those feelings. Perfectionism is just one of the many mechanisms we use to hide feelings of inadequacy. When we really focus on our purpose and change the story we play in our minds, we can overcome those feelings but it takes time and practice. Journal your thoughts, be aware of those things that trigger those feelings of inadequacy and most importantly, be in tune with how you are trying to cover up those feelings. Don't allow them to stay hidden and face them head on. Change the negatives in your mind to positive affirmations, write those affirmations down and repeat them back to yourself several times throughout the day. In a world that tends to be judgmental and focused on the exterior, it's easy to get trapped into feeling like we're not good enough. The answer is to look within, strengthen your core and truly belief in yourself and the gifts and talents you have to offer.

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