Privacy Policy ZATAKA_ku app

Privacy Policy ZATAKA_ku app
Privacy Policy Heru Febriansyah built the ZATAKA_ku app as a Free app. This SERVICE is provided by Heru Febriansyah at no cost and is intended for use as is. This page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies...

Post Card: The Plan for Everything

Post Card: The Plan for Everything
I once read an article about being a successful Real Estate Agent. In the article is said that "The plan for everything". It sounds simple, but I think it has a great meaning and significance to you as a Real Estate Agent.Here I don't discuss how to...

Design for Real Estate Post Card

Design for Real Estate Post Card
Hi, long time ago I did not update this blog. Today, I present again and try to provide something new and hopefully useful for all readers. As a designer, I will keep trying to produce new works are creative and innovative. This time, I will post a...

Design a Flyer for an Entrepreneur's Financial Bootcamp

Design a Flyer for an Entrepreneur's Financial Bootcamp
This is my flyer design for Women Empowerment big event. The flyer consists of two side with size 5x7 inches and has a color theme Emerald Green and Fuchsia Pink. The flyer is very engaging and visually attractive...

Design a Flyer for EPIC Software Development

Design a Flyer for EPIC Software Development
This is my flyer design for a software company, EPIC Software developmen...